Frequently Asked Questions

From 95 Degrees Wiki
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Whether you're new to the server or in need of a refresher, this FAQ will answer some questions you may have about how to use the server, how we run things here and how to use the bots.

If there's anything you need to know that isn't touched on this FAQ, our community members and server staff, known as Baristas, are always around to help in #cafe or #off-topic.

What is 95 Degrees about?

We're glad you asked! 95 Degrees is a humble community server home to thousands of people around the world, and hosts events, giveaways, and more. We talk about almost anything - it's a great place to hang out when you're bored, stuck somewhere boring or if you simply want to waste time. We got started in July 2016, and have grown a lot over the years!

How do I level up?

You will level up over time by earning XP from talking with other community members. You can use the !xp command in #bot-spam to view your XP amount and current level. Here is a list of ways to earn XP:

  • Talking in text channels, which will give you 6 XP per message, with a 6 second cooldown. Excessive spam will not count towards XP.
  • Actively speaking in voice channels, which will give you 1 XP per minute. You must be with other people and unmuted/undeafened.
  • Bumping the server using /bump in #bot-spam, which will give you 35 XP each time you bump.

What do I get from levelling up?

More permissions and perks will be granted to you as you level up, such as using external emotes, uploading your own images, unlocking more channels and using certain bot features. For a full list, use the !roles command in #bot-spam or view the Levelling & Streaks page on the Guardian help site.

What are Degreecoins, and how can I earn/spend them?

Degreecoins are a form of currency within 95 Degrees which you can spend on various things such as games, access to certain events or exchanging them with other community members. For a full list of Degreecoins features, you can visit the Degreecoins page on the Guardian help site.

What is the Cafe Regulars role?

The Cafe Regulars role is a special role handed out to certain members of 95 Degrees that Baristas believe set a good example for other members and newcomers to follow. Cafe Regulars have a small set of moderation capabilities to help out the Baristas in certain circumstances when Baristas aren't immediately available.

What is Guardian, how do I use it?

Guardian is our exclusive custom-built Discord bot which offers a wide range of features for you to use as well as managing exclusive server features, events and providing moderation tools to our staff. To learn about Guardian's commands and features, you can use the !help command in #bot-spam or head to the Guardian help site.

Why is the Guardian bot saying random things? It feels disruptive sometimes...

Guardian has a feature called remarks where it will post messages in response to people at random, or occasionally post questions/thoughts. If you find any of these posts inappropriate during certain conversations, they can be dismissed by having at least two people react to Guardian's message with either "👎" or "❌". You can also use /toggle-remarks to prevent Guardian ever responding to your own messages with remarks.

Why can't I post any images or videos?

You need to be Level 3 (Customers Rank), to post images, videos, GIFs etc. Use the !xp command in #bot-spam to view your progress towards Customers.

I have an idea for this server!

Awesome! Any suggestions you have should be posted in the #suggestions channel where Baristas will take a look and consider your idea.

Is there anywhere I can leave feedback about this server?

If you have any questions or concerns about server moderation, community members, features, bots, or anything else and would like to send us a message, use the /feedback command in #bot-spam! Select a category and whether you'd like to remain anonymous, then press enter and you will see a form pop-up to send a message. The command will run hidden from other members so no one else will see your feedback message except for Baristas.