From 95 Degrees Wiki
Revision as of 18:49, 9 June 2024 by Tony (talk | contribs) (rewrote the article in past tense epic style (and changed "speed running" to "speedrunning"))
Server information
RoleCafe Regular
Personal information
LocationEngland, GB

B was an active member of 95 Degrees, they used to chat in the server every single day. They were learning to do web development with the guidance of other coders from 95. B left the server in late October 2023.


  • Used to constantly spell things wrong even when corrected.
  • Would say lots of French words due to having a French Keyboard with Autocorrect on their phone.
  • HUGE Doofus fan.
  • They were the first person recorded by Bannerista to go over 1000 points for activity which revealed a bug.
  • Known for "speedrunning" the level system due to their high activity.