The XP & Level system is a Guardian feature intended to award members for their activity on the server. You can level up via talking in the text channels, conversing with other members in the voice channels, or bumping the server.
Upon hitting different milestones, your rank is increased. The ranks go like so, from lowest to highest:
Customers |
Short |
Tall |
Grande |
Venti |
Trenta |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
Mugs |
For information about Guardian's XP system, including what levels ranks are achieved as well as what perks each rank provides, visit the Levelling & Streaks page on the Guardian help site.
- The Short-Trenta ranks are coffee sizes, to go along with the café server theme.
- The Bronze-Gold ranks were added afterwards, when users started reaching the rank cap. Mugs followed shortly afterwards.
- As of this page's last edit, there are 7 total members with the Mugs rank.